Chiltern Air Ventilation
Chiltern Air Ventilation

Our range of services: designs that are diverse and individual

Looking to have the designs for your building or housing project drawn professionally? Chiltern Air Ventilation can provide extensive advice and a suite of reliable and comprehensive services all tailor-made to suit your requirements. Experiance with working in the film industry. We're here to help you plan for success!

Our services at a glance

  Service 1       Swimming pool service, opening and closing your pool.                                           Providing all-season maintainence (optional). Salt water



  •   Service 2       Pool heating and ventilation, installation and maintainence for                               pool heat pumps, repair maintainence and installation of                                         dehumidifiers heat pumps air - ground and ventilation systems. 


  •   Service 3       New build, provide new one-piece pool installations, pool cabins                           and changing rooms, garden landscaping to suite. Experiance                               with working in the Film industry and delivering on time.    


Photo gallery: take a look at how we work

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